The kids loved them, I swear it was 200 degrees inside but still a blast and a great workout! I think my hips were sore the next day, pretty weak, I know.
I love this little dress. I wish I had one for each stage of her life.
Norah loves animals!
The kiddies all hanging out in the front yard on a blanket.
Norah had a little haircut in hopes to help those bangs grow in a little better.
Our family on Kate's blessing day..
My mom and dad came out for the blessing, it was so fun! I love them so much and am so grateful for their love and support.
Grandpa, grandma, and our 3 crazy kids that won't look at the camera. Little pills!
My sweet mom, I don't know what I'd do without her!
Bee (Candice, my sis, Bee is her middle name and nickname) and her cute little boy, Landon, came for the blessing as well and stayed a week to hang out. We had so much fun just doing the mom thing together. I wish we lived closer to each other. It is so nice to have each other to go get drinks, go on walks, go to the store, watch Ellen, play outside with the kids etc sometimes I get a little bored doing things on my own even though my kids are there. It is nice to have a little adult conversation and company sometimes. I miss that about being closer to home. I have lots of friends out here but it's not the same as having family. I'm so glad they were able to come, we had such a fun time.
Either Landon was really happy or really sad to go home because he got A LOT of attention especially from Norah. She would not leave the poor boy alone haha
Best little cousin buddies
My little Kate Victoria on her blessing day
June 3, 2012
Riverside Ward, Columbus, Ohio 9 am
Such a sweet little baby!
These baby chicks hatched the last week of school..
Lucy loved these baby chicks! They were pretty cute!
Norah is such a funny little girl. She wanted to catch fireflies every night.. she would go out and catch them with her fingers and put them in a jar. She was so proud of her new skill!
I love Lucy's favorite food.. haha pepperoni pizza, spelled so wrong.
Last day of kindergarten. t-shirt signing, the kids thought it was so cool they could write on each others shirts.
One of my all time favorite pictures! Elise, Colin, Norah, and Lucy. It was so dang hot that day but the kids didn't care. These kids love to play together! Such a cute, classic kid picture.
I can't get enough of these cute little tutu dresses, I love having little girls!

Lucy loves her baby Kate! She is such a good big sis.
Dave signed me and my 2 friends (Rachel and Debbie, their husbands signed them up) for tennis lessons for Mother's Day. It was so much fun! The guys took turns taking care of the kids at the park while we played. Our husbands are all residents so we never knew who would show to take the kids since they sometimes don't even know their schedules but it worked out and we were never left without one of the guys there. Here is Dave holding 2 babies, getting his boy fix. A big thank you to them. Probably one of the best Mother's day gifts.
My little chub! We always have to get a picture of her next to this little pig, because she is a little pig and likes to eat! At 3 months she weighed 14 lbs 4 oz and was 24 inches long. She is a great baby except that she likes to SCREAM in her carseat! Who knows why but I really hope she grows out of it soon because it isn't fun to go anywhere when she cries the entire time.
Norah holding Kate's hand (again) while asleep, so cute!
Kate asleep in the shopping cart, grocery shopping with 3 kids is so much fun :) Norah loves the eagles nest but Lucy is too cool lately to go so she has been coming with me. I have a full cart at the end so bringing the car seat and putting it in the cart isn't an option so I end up holding Kate and she is getting heavy and I need two hands for some things so this is her new spot. I had so many people say how cute it was that she was asleep.
They were doing face painting at the eagles nest and Lucy had Bella with her so they all decided to go, I was pretty impressed and a little creeped out by Lucy, she was a panda.
Creepy eh?

Hiking with the kids or walking on a trail should I say..
Dave and Ken (our neighbor) took the kids to this waterfall close by on Memorial Day.. I think I took a nap with Kate :) I love when Dave is off.