Friday, November 21, 2008

Carrie Underwood 08

For my birthday back in June Dave gave me tics to see Carrie Underwood, my all time favorite country singer.  It was so fun!  I love her.  This pic is so cool!  If you look hard enough you can see her to the side of us singing on the screen.  We had awesome seats!
Before the concert we went out to eat.  My sisters, Candice and Jen, also had tickets so we all went together.  Another fun date night for us.  It doesn't happen very often so I have to make a big deal about it when it does.
Thanks for the tickets EZO.  What a great idea!  Happy Birthday to me last June.  I'm getting old.


Okey's said...

What a fun concert to be able to go to! Living away from family can and is hard at times, but as you will find (if you move for the summer) that it has some benefits as you are just with your little family, you get to know people in your ward really well, and for you guys, it will only be for a summer so you will be able to count the days till you go back to Utah.

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

Sounds like fun. And I bet NYC was a blast. I want to go there again someday. I heard you saw Kim!

jayne wells said...

fun Cas! Didn't know you were a fan!