Sunday, July 26, 2009


Goodbye to my favorite little home.  I think one of the things I miss the most is my little house.  We have so many memories there.  

I will never forget the way I felt when everything was moved out.  It made me really sad.  We stayed at my parents overnight after everything was moved out.  The next morning we had to drop some things by the house for our renters before we headed out.  Lucy hadn't seen the house empty yet.  Anyway, she came inside with me and was so confused when her crib wasn't there.  We worked our way upstairs (her favorite thing to do in the morning was to eat pancakes and watch cartoons on our bed) she walked over to the fridge and asked for a pancake and then ran into the bedroom to find the bed, tv, etc was gone.  She came out and said "mom, mom, "wook" all gone!"  Ah, I will never forget how it made me feel.  The move was very hard, overwhelming, and stressful for me.  It was really scary for me to move across the country away from  my family and friends for the first time.  Not knowing what it was going to be like made me really nervous but you know what...  we made it to Ohio and I love it!  I love my new little house and I love my new friends.  The ward is great and the area is beautiful!  We are really happy here.  I miss my old life and everything that we left behind but I am really excited for what is to come in the next 5 years.  I'm sure when residency is over I will feel the same way moving from Ohio to wherever we end up.  Thanks for all of the love and support from everyone.  You helped me and our family more than you will ever know. 


Bradley Moss said...

We sure miss you guys! This weekend Isabel kept asking when we could see Lucy and Baby Norah again. I am so glad that you're settling in and enjoying we've just got to figure out a way to get us out there to visit!

ashlee said...

we miss you guys already! I am so glad you will be coming down to Candice's wedding...I am sure Norah is growing up so fast. I am really glad you are liking Ohio...I can't wait to keep up with all your latest through this blog...keep us in the loop!