Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bye, Bye yucky tonsils!!

The morning of Thursday, February 5th we took Lucy bright and early down to Utah Valley to have her yucky tonsils taken out by Dr. Robbins.  She was so ticked that we woke her up early and wouldn't give her a sippy with milk because she couldn't eat or drink anything before her surgery.  When we got there we checked in and they had to poke her poor little finger to get some blood and she was so mad (hence the picture below, you can also see the little bandaid on her finger where she was poked).  She was grumpy as can be but they took her back and took her vitals and then gave her some oral versed (before they took her away from us and put in her IV) anyway, she was very entertaining, she was rolling around, laughing, and counting her fingers, she was soooo loopy we couldn't help but laugh at her.  I even took her bink away from her and she didn't even care.  We read a couple of books and put some stickers on her cute little hospital jammies and life wasn't so bad anymore, she was so happy.  We didn't wait long and then off she went.She was gone for maybe 45 minutes and the recovery nurse came out to tell us that she was out of surgery and that all went well but that she was really mad and did not like the nurses bugging her.  Dave and I looked at each other and smiled, we both could've guessed that was going to happen.  We gave the nurse her bink to see if that would help, and it did.  About 20 minutes later they brought her out and we walked up to her room on the pediatric floor.  Since she was under 3 years old they like to watch them for up to 23 hrs so they put her in a room (although we were only there until late afternoon).  It took her a while to calm down and The Little Mermaid was a lifesaver.  It was so cute because she was trying to sing along to the music like she always does even though she just had surgery.  
This is Lucy, not even 2 hours later after having surgery, roaming the halls.  She was so antsy to get out of that room so we took her on a little walk to see the playroom.
Lucy eating a popsicle (pickle is what she calls them) right after surgery.  She kept trying to take her IV out, she hated that darn green stuff covering her hand, little did she know what was underneath.
This is where she spent some time after her walk.  Pretty amazing she felt up to it!  She was happy and content just playing (except that she kept getting tangled in her IV tubing and saying stuck, stuck!).  Grandma Judy came and brought her a cute pink and red stuffed lion that roars with a cute card and Aunt Jenny came to say hi as well.  After a while she was worn out so we took her back to her room.  Dave stayed with her while I went to get lunch at Cafe West with mom and Jen (I was way too excited to eat super nachos there, my ultimate favorite from when I used to work at UVRMC).  So good!!!
When I got back to the room we were just chillin' and along came this big black doggie looking to visit the sick babes.  Of course Lucy was so excited so they brought the dog in and Lucy was lovin' it!  The thing was bigger than she was.  It was around 2 pm and she was eating, drinking, and peeing just fine so they told us we could take her home.  Of course as soon as they came in to give us discharge instructions etc, she was out like a light so we decided to let her sleep and then go home when she woke up.  We left the hospital around 5ish and went to my moms to eat homemade bread and chicken noodle soup.  Yum!!!  She was an amazing little surgical patient and has recovered so well.  Day 4 and 5 have probably been the hardest for her but still have not been too bad.  She whimpers a lot and wants us to hold her (I love when she will let me cuddle her although I don't like to see her in pain) but as soon as that pain medicine starts to work she is a whole new little girl.  I am so proud of her and how well she has done.  I just hope that once she is all healed that she will eat better and not gag and throw up everything she eats.  The snoring...  gone the first night we were home.  Awesome!  I hope recovery continues to go well.  So far, so good!  Yay!!!  Good job Luce!  You're a rockstar!


jayne wells said...

Oh man! Poor little thing. I'm so glad it's over now and she'll never have to do it again! Maybe she won't even remember it.
Congrats on Ohio! That is so cool. I will miss you so much even though I don't get to see you that much even now! Maybe I can come out and see you!! That would be so much fun!
Love you Cas!

Lauren said...

look at her in those hospital jammies... ties in back and everything! what a doll