Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Drama Queen #2 on her way!

I had an ultrasound today and well... Lucy is going to have a little sister!!! Yay!!! I thought for sure it was going to be a boy but I thought the same with Lucy. I have to say I was a little shocked but I am so excited that Lucy will have a little friend, plus we won't have to buy a thing! Everything looks good and the baby is healthy and growing normally. I have to go back for another ultrasound in 4-6 weeks because the placenta was low and covering part of the cervix, which was the case with Lucy, but as the baby gets bigger the placenta should move up into the uterus more, which it did with Lucy. I'm sure it will be fine but they just want to check it to make sure that it all is growing where it is supposed to, although I wouldn't mind having another C-section... it was actually kinda nice. Thanks to Holly (my sis-in-law) and Candice for coming to the ultrasound with me. Dave has been out of town and I couldn't reschedule the ultrasound for 2 more weeks because they were booked and I couldn't wait so I went without him. We made it a date and went to dinner afterward. What a good day! I think Dave is excited, he loves us right? Who wants boys anyway? JK! My due date is Aprl 28, 2009.

Also, we said (well, I said bye bye) to Lucy's bink today. I cut the end off and let's just say she learned a new word "broken". It has been a rough day for the both of us. She cried and asked for her bink all day long, "bink go, mom?". My heart breaks for her everytime she goes over to the drawer where I kept them and she would look in there and then look at me and say "Mom, bink gone, broken." Sad! I feel so bad taking her only comfort away from her. It also made me sad tonight when I put her to bed. I gave her the "broken" bink because she was freaking out without it in her hand and she tried so hard to keep it in her mouth. She was so frustrated and sad. She finally fell asleep (45 minutes later) with her hand holding it up against her mouth. I hope she sleeps okay tonight. She has only been asleep for an hour and has already been tossing and turning and crying for her bink. It is going to be a long night. I have thought about giving it to her only at night for a while but I don't want her to be confused about it. What do you think? Anyway, I wanted to get rid of it in July when she turned 2 but with Dave being gone so much the last couple of months and me working I didn't know how regular of a schedule she would have and who she would be with so I opted to let her keep it for a while and now that things are starting to slow down and get back to normal I felt like it was a good time to get rid of the darn thing. It became to the point where she wanted to suck on it all day (she would throw a huge tantrum when we went to the store, church, gym, in the car, playing outside etc. when I wouldn't let her have it, I asked myself it is worth it?, then give in... no wonder why the kid doesn't know how to talk she constantly sucks on that thing) and all night long and would whine and cry for it when I would take it away from her, plus... she is 2 1/2 years old! It's time even though I feel totally guilty about taking it away from her because she loves it so much. I know it is not a big deal but it is something I will read back on and know it all will work out... it always does even though it is hard sometimes.

Sarah also had her baby today, Sadie Lyn. I saw a picture of her and she is darling. I'm excited to see her. I miss having a little baby. Not long and I will have one of my very own. I'm so blessed and excited to be having another one. Congrats to you on the new baby!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone this week!


Bradley Moss said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Of course another little girl will fit in perfectly with your adorable family. We're so excited for you!!

jayne wells said...

Hooray!I'm so happy for you cas!

mel said...

Yeah for girls!! We're happy for you. And we have enough boys over here to carry on the Ludlow name.

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

congrates. two girls in a row are fun! as far as the binky i did the same with Haley except i let her have it at night only for a while before I told her it was broken and then i cut it off. but where you have already told her it is broken i wouldn't give it to her at night now. hang in there she will be fine.

Okey's said...

Congrats on the little girl to come! WE are very excited for you guys. xoxo, okeys

Okey's said...

Congrats on the little girl to come! WE are very excited for you guys. xoxo, okeys