Monday, April 13, 2009

Pregnant.. officially not fun anymore!

Beware!  If you don't want to read about some serious complaining then don't read this post.  It is for my own venting purposes.  

April 28th isn't coming fast enough!  These last few weeks have been dragging and I am grumpy!  I forgot how miserable it is to be pregnant.  I'm lucky that I don't get sick.  My sister told me that she hated people like me (because she gets so sick) although if this next baby is anything like Lucy...  I would rather be sick for 9 months than listen to a baby scream for the first full year of her life, my sister has easy mellow babies and I do not, maybe this next one will be better.  I know I shouldn't complain because I know that there are a lot of women in the world that are unable to have babies and would do anything to feel what I feel...  like heartburn, being constipated, being extremely moody and wanting to cry about everything, not being able to sleep (which I am not fun to be around when I am tired, just ask my poor husband) or rest for that matter not to mention the crazy dreams, eating breakfast at 3am cause I'm starving, having major anxiety about whether she is going to be normal or if she is growing okay, moving as much as she should etc, pure exhaustion (especially after working nights and then going home to take care of a toddler all day, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and everything else a mom and wife are expected to do on top of working... being a mom/wife is a thankless job I have found, therefore no decent sleep for over 24 hrs, won't miss that when I'm done working and... I hate people that have never worked nights and don't understand how hard it really is to go without sleep and then have to function, maybe they should try it and then tell me how tired they are... I have no sympathy, no I'm not bitter!), not being able to exercise like normal, constant back pain, weight gain everywhere, not being able to sit in a normal position for more than 5 minutes without feeling like I'm going to pass out because I can't breathe, having to go to the bathroom every hour (no joke!), and just feeling blah all of the time.  I can't wait to be back to normal and have my energy back and do everything that I used to do without having to rest every 10 minutes.  I feel like my life is on hold until she comes.  I could go on but I feel bad complaining because in the end I know it will all be worth it.  I do have to say that I love feeling her kick inside of me and see her little movements.  So cool!  In a couple of months I will look back at this post and be so thankful that it is all over...  I can't wait to put my running shoes on and just run and feel good about myself again.  
I'm 34 weeks in the above picture and still growing.  I'm 38 weeks now and am not posting any pictures because they aren't cute anymore.

I had to post this picture of Jen (my sis) and Rylee (my niece).  Every fast Sunday my mom has dinner for everyone at her house and she gets a fun cake and we sing to all of the kids that have birthdays that month, Jen and Rylee are both April babies.  I got all excited that next year my baby's name will be on that cake for the month of April (she better not have a May birthday, ha ha).  It is such a fun tradition that my mom has continued to do over the years.  The grandkids love it and will always remember her for always doing something fun for their birthdays.   

So I continue to wonder...  what will her name be?  What will she look like?  What will labor be like?  When will she decide to come see us?  Lucy gives her kisses and pushes on my stomach and says "mobe (move) baby mobe" and "come see us soon", and I love that she calls her sweetheart.  I'm so excited for them to meet!  My Dr won't induce me because I had a C-section with Lucy (risk of uterus rupturing) so I am in it for the long haul if I continue to think that a VBAC is what I really want, I'm really not so sure.  A C-section was so nice and sounds so good about now although I know it is major surgery and a longer recovery.  As of this very moment, nothing is going on so I have a feeling that I won't be delivering 2 weeks early like I did with Lucy, dang it!  I am a little nervous...  I never went into labor with Lucy, never had a contraction, nothing, so this is going to be a whole new experience for me.  I know women give birth every single day and that it is a natural thing (not that I am doing it natural or anything) but it is scary and I am not excited to give birth but I am so excited for what comes after. Another sweet little baby girl to love and take care of.  I love being a mom and although I complain about being pregnant I am very thankful to be.  She better be dang cute!  Pretty sure she will be!  I will post pics as soon as she arrives.  Yay!  I can't wait!  Bring on the contractions already!


The Stoddard's said...

You never feel cute when your pregnat. But oustsider looking in, you look dang cute! Ohio huh? When you moving?

Erin said...

I totally understand how you feel. Just a word of advice TOTALLY go with a VBAC. I had a c-section first too. And the VBAC was so awesome. It was great to bond with your child so quickly. It was such an EASY recovery. You could actually get out of bed on your own. Seriously my energy came back after two or three days. It was like having our first baby all over again because I had never done it that way. It was amazing and I never thought pushing a child out of hmmm... would be so great. I think you should go for it.