Monday, April 13, 2009

Lucy... so BIG!

My little Lucy isn't so little anymore.  I can't believe how big she is getting.  I thought these pictures of her were so cute so I thought that I would post them.

I bought her a little make-up set because she kept getting into mine.  She just wants to be big like mommy and I found this cute little girl make-up that she loved so I got it for her.  It was so cute watching her in the mirror as she put it on.  She smiled and kept making the cutest faces like she was all big and grown up.  Of course I made a big deal about her getting so big hoping that someday it will click that big girls don't suck on binkies...  yes, she still has her binkie. Ugh! It makes the world a better place for the both of us so whatever, although she only has it at night and sometimes at home when she is sad or sleepy.  I refuse to let her take it outside of the house so that is a step I guess. 

I was in the kitchen one night and kept hearing plastic being stepped on and wondered what it was so I went into to see what she was up to and she had pulled the package of diapers up to the light switch so that she could turn on the lights all by herself.  It was so cute.  How does she come up with some of her ideas?  

Some of her latest things are "I do it!" or if she doesn't want to it's mommy do it or daddy do it, or Lucy's turn, mommy's turn etc.  She comes up with random games like throwing her number/color cups across the room to you while you build a tower for her then she knocks it down (she could play it all day).  She loves to sing...  I have this disney cd with all kinds of songs on it and she loves the mermaid songs and the mulan song.  Every time we get in the car she demands that she listens to it..  she doesn't always get her way, but when she does she sings her little heart out and if you sing along with her she screams at you.  She loves to dress herself, take her own diaper off and throw it away, and mostly everything she does she wants to do by herself, it must be the age.  Her favorite color is orange atleast that is the color she always picks, which is so random.  I love when she says "of course" (we never say that so I don't know where she heard it), "I'm coming" and "wook" (look).  She gets cuter and cuter everyday.  It melts my heart when she says "I la lu mommy" (I love you mommy).  She is going to be such a good big sister.  I'm assuming this is normal but I worry that she will feel left out or feel like we don't love her as much when the baby comes because it has only been the 3 of us for the last 2+ years.  I am going to try and give her as much attention as I normally do but I never want her to feel less important.  I'm going to be a busy mom trying to take care of 2 little ones.  I know it will be fine but I have to admit, I am a little nervous about it.  I also have to admit that I am very excited! Luce, I will always love you and you will always be my baby.  I don't know what I would do without my little Luly!  

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