Saturday, October 11, 2008

Grandmas house

Dave did 2 more away rotations in the month of September.  He was in Lubbock, TX (Texas Tech) for 2 weeks and then did 2 more weeks in Temple, TX (Texas A&M).  While he was gone we went and stayed at my parents.  There were a couple of days that we were at home and it was so lonely, I am so glad that my family is close.  I don't know what I would have done without them.  I missed Dave so much and am so glad that he is home although I feel like I haven't seen him much since he started a new rotation at Primary's the day after he got home.  Anyway, Lucy loved being at Grandma and Grandpas.  Jenny was also there to play with her.  Cousins also came to visit.  One night everyone came over for a BBQ and Cougar football game.  Sarah was also in town with Kade.  The kids love swimming in the hot tub, especially Lucy!  She was also obsessed with jumping on the trampoline and swinging in their backyard, Duke (the cute doggie next door), watching Nemo, Tarzan, or Toy Story on Aunt Candice's bed, Muppet Babies, McDonald pirate movie on Uncle Sean's bed, and Shrek on Aunt Jenny's bed, water D (I have no idea what this was but she said it constantly), Ew buggies, and otter pops. 
Oh!  She was also obsessed with these darn new little kittens.  I have to admit, they are pretty cute but I am so allergic to them that my eyes would be red and itchy all dang day.  Miserable!  Cute picture though!  
Two peas in a pod.  Kade and Lucy are best buddies!  They used to fight but while they were in town this last month they wouldn't go anywhere without each other.  I wished they lived closer, Arizona is too far away.  They had so much fun together!
It was a fun month!  Thanks for letting us stay at your house.  

1 comment:

jayne wells said...

Lucy is darling. And I understand your pain in the losing of her--it has happened to me numerous times with Parley.
And the real question:

You're pregnant??